Significant Lives Workplace Coaching for companies and businesses has proven to be an affordable, high impact professional development option enabling employees to become more self-aware and well-rounded people who are better equipped to achieve success in all areas of their lives.


My personal workplace coaching approach responds directly to the specific needs of the employee and typically involves some work around who they are (identity), how they relate to those around them (communication), where they want to be (vision) and how to get there (goal setting).

The coaching programme is delivered in six one hour sessions, timed one to two weeks apart by arrangement. This includes an introductory session to ascertain the employee’s specific coaching requirements. The one-to-one coaching approach ensures that they receive coaching that is both client specific and confidential.

Clive Wilson
Clive WilsonWorkplace Coach

Benefits to the Organisation

In addition to the personal growth benefits employees receive, employers also report the following direct benefits to the company as a result of this coaching:

  • Improved staff engagement levels

  • Increased productivity
  • Greater staff ownership of their own behavioural and professional development
  • Better self-management, mitigating the risk of stress

  • Healthier inter-staff communication
  • Better integration with and championing of company values
  • Improved staff morale and “belief in the company again”
  • Reduced absenteeism
  • Reduced presentism (present but not engaged)
  • Improved staff retention

If you would like to know more about workplace coaching and how it might benefit your company or business please contact me.